Ghost Cities in China, gigatons of concrete formed into huge, crumbling shells of high rise apartment blocks. Bought and sold purely on the belief the value will always go up. Lived in by nobody, never meant to be lived in.
This isn’t any different than any other country, it’s just that in China we see the economy visualized in concrete. Modern industrial society produces far more than can be consumed at any one time. If people were careful and lived sustainably there would be hardly any on-going production and economies would grind to a halt. If instead of the eerie, empty, boulevards it were gold bars stacked in a vault somewhere you wouldn’t bat an eyelid. China is moving money through the economy this way and bringing peasants out of subsidence farming and into the finance economy. It matters not that it’s the equivalent of digging a hole and filling it in. In the modern world money is debt and a subsistence farmer can’t participate in the modern economy without a job and a credit rating. It’s all smoke and mirrors in the end.
The push to throw out “fossil fuels” and switch to “sustainable energy” is obvious BS, lithium batteries are in no way, shape, or form an example of something a reasonable man could call environmentally friendly and sustainable. The push for “green” energy is simply to destroy a load of capital infrastructure and force the building of replacements to keep driving money through the economy. Since the rulers of the world thoughtlessly spread the spectre of nukes across the planet wars don’t really cut it any more.
The world is the realm of the Devil and the fallen, it doesn’t make any sense because that’s not what this life is about. The real battle is in the realm of the spiritual, of faith. If you concentrate on the trees you won’t see the forest. Put on the Armour of God.