Nukes are a PSYOP terror weapon. The powers that be can set off a nuke explosion in a heavily controlled test environment but weaponizing them with ridiculous magical continent-spanning pinpoint accuracy is laughable. Nuclear weapons have never been used because they can’t be usefully weaponised.
I suspect nuclear bombs have been pre-placed in/under major cities and can be spun up for a nuke “attack” or two. Maybe rather than actual nukes a few thousand tons of conventional explosives salted with some radioactive isotopes for veracity. Conventional explosives would be more robust and easy to maintain. If such installations were by some mischance discovered and exposed to public scrutiny the enemy du jour could be blamed whether Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. The devices could be palmed off as left over from the Cold War if necessary. There’ s been plenty of novels and TV shows planting that trope.
You’ll know I’m right if the strikes on cities are ground bursts because it makes little sense to use ground bursts to destroy cities. Ground bursts are for use on hardened targets. For terror effect a missile silo or two could be blown and blamed on nuclear missile attacks by “the other side.”
Were the strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasake faked? As far as I’m concerned the jury is still out on that but even according to the authorized account they were crude fission only prototype test items.
Whatever happens or doesn’t happen we’ll be lied to about it and the powers that be will be somewhere safe because they’ll all be in on it whichever “side” they are purportedly on. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.